Tips For New Welders To Test Their Weld Condition

As a fairly new welder, it can take time to develop real confidence in your ability. In the meantime, it's important that you understand how to evaluate the quality of your welds before you put that product out there. Not only is quality important to consider in the finished product, but also throughout the process. Here are a few tips to help you assess your welds as you go. Visual Inspection Read More 

These Strategies Will Keep You Safe Around A Working Forklift

Whether in a warehouse or on a job site, the person operating the forklift will have received significant safety training so that he or she can get the job done without causing injury to anyone in the area. If you find yourself in either of these environments, however, it's important for you to play an active role in your safety — even if the person operating this piece of equipment is being safe, you don't want your negligence or inattention leading to an injury for you or anyone else. Read More 

3 Things to Avoid When Buying a Used Trailer Hitch

Purchasing a used trailer hitch is a great way to get a useful hitch for a fraction of the price of a new one. A well-made trailer hitch can last for a long time, so just because it has been previously owned does not mean that it's near the end of its lifespan just yet. Just make sure that you avoid these things when buying a used trailer hitch for sale to ensure that you are happy with your purchase. Read More 

3 Quick Ways To Create Moldings And Castings For Prototypes

If you are planning on building a prototype, quickly and accurately making parts can be difficult. This time-consuming process can be sped up using a variety of different methods. If you have metal parts that you want to create, aluminum casting can be a great solution. For lightweight plastics, you may want to consider investing in a 3D printer and machined parts can be accurately made with a CNC machine. Here are some of the quick methods that you may want to consider to create molds and models of your prototype parts: Read More 

Moving Products Effectively And Safely On The Job: Conveyors Get The Job Done

When you work with heavy products or need to move large loads, carrying items back and forth simply isn't an effective use of your time. Instead of wasting manpower on moving items with a forklift or having to have workers manually unload and move items into a store, a conveyor belt can provide a helpful solution.  Why Does a Conveyor Belt Help Work Speed? Instead of workers having to move from one place to another, they can simply load at one end and unload at the other. Read More